The latest Updates for our Current Models
For users of our current trail cameras, we have provided new firmware updates that ensure even better performance.
The installation instructions included in the download packages show you how to conveniently install the update in the camera.
Updates for older Trail Cameras
The software update for your DTC 550 ensures increased performance.
MINOX has provided new firmware for users of the DTC 550. Just follow this link: DTC 550 Software Installation Instructions you can find out how easy it is to install the update on your camera.Important notice for the DTC 1000:All users of the MINOX DTC 1000, that have installed the MINOX-Server as described in the instruction manual, should please download and carefully read the following notice.All firmware UpdatesDTC 400 Software Version: DTC400-150820-2 Installation Instructions DTC 450 Software Version: DTC450E160906 Installation Instructions DTC 550 Software Version: MCU:08.44.39 / HTF:01.21.01 Installation Instructions DTC 1000 New Server Notice DTC 1100 Software Version: HD1904230SE Installation Instructions